
commentary on Politics and a little bit of everything else

The lone Republican to vote for the Healthcare Bill in the House…..Rep. Anh Cao (R-La)…..

The House member from Louisiana, Anh  (Joseph) Cao (he is Vietnamese – American ),  met with White House staff and stayed in touch over the last few months…..He was amenable to supporting the bill from the beginning…but could only move to cast his vote when the leadership went with the Stupak-Pitts amendment, limiting federal money for abortions ( The former Jesuit seminarian was dead-set against voting for it if it expanded abortion rights in a new health care exchange.), then he was in…..

Careful to not incite his fellow republicans too much…he waited for the last-minute to cast his vote, when it became apparent that the bill would pass….Cao , who is a republican, in a largely democratic district, has decided to spend his time in the Congress helping his district as much as he can….Knowing fully well that he could be swept out of office by a strong democratic candidate for his seat in 2010…..

November 8, 2009 Posted by | Government, Healthcare, Politics, Religion | , , , , , | 3 Comments