
commentary on Politics and a little bit of everything else

Justice John Paul Stevens considers retiring from the Supreme Court…..


[ Stevens, asked if he regrets any recent Court decisions, says, “There are a lot I’m very unhappy with. ]

This will mean that President Obama will have to appoint a judge in the Stevens  policy realm just to keep the court with it’s present balance…

Stevens tells The New Yorker magazine that he definitely will retire in the next three years. His comments suggest that President Barack Obama, whom Stevens says he admires, will likely nominate his successor.

The leader of the court’s liberals, Stevens is the second oldest justice in U.S. history and fourth longest-serving. He says that breaking those records doesn’t interest him.

Republican President Gerald R. Ford nominated Stevens to the court in 1975. Stevens turns 90 in April.

From The New Yorker piece……

After Stevens

What will the Supreme Court be like without its liberal leader?

by Jeffrey Toobin

Supreme Court Justices are remembered for their opinions, but they are revealed by their questions. For many years, Sandra Day O’Connor chose to open the questioning in most cases, and thus show the lawyers—and her colleagues—which way she, as the Court’s swing vote, was leaning. Today, Antonin Scalia often jumps in first, signalling the intentions of the Court’s ascendant conservative wing, and sometimes Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., makes his views, which are usually aligned with Scalia’s, equally clear. New Justices tend to defer to their senior colleagues, but Sonia Sotomayor, in her first year on the Court, has displayed little reluctance to test lawyers on the facts and the procedural posture of their cases; these kinds of questions had generally been the province of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who, at times, has not seemed entirely pleased by the newcomer’s vigor. Samuel A. Alito, Jr., often says little; Clarence Thomas never says anything. (Thomas has not asked a question at an oral argument since 2006.)

John Paul Stevens, who will celebrate his ninetieth birthday on April 20th, generally bides his time. Stevens is the Court’s senior Justice, in every respect. He is thirteen years older than his closest colleague in age (Ginsburg) and has served eleven years longer than the next most experienced (Scalia). Appointed by President Gerald R. Ford, in 1975, Stevens is the fourth-longest-serving Justice in the Court’s history; the record holder is the man Stevens replaced, William O. Douglas, who retired after thirty-six and a half years on the bench. Stevens is a generation or two removed from most of his colleagues; when Roberts served as a law clerk to William H. Rehnquist, Stevens had already been a Justice for five years. He was the last nominee before the Reagan years, when confirmations became contested territory in the culture wars (and he was also, not coincidentally, the last whose confirmation hearings were not broadcast live on television). In some respects, Stevens comes from another world; in a recent opinion, he noted that contemporary views on marijuana laws were “reminiscent of the opinion that supported the nationwide ban on alcohol consumption when I was a student.”

March 16, 2010 - Posted by | Blogs, Boats, Breaking News, Government, Law, Media, Men, Other Things, PoliticalDog Calls, Politics, Updates, Women | , , ,


  1. LOL I wonder which race (not White obviously), creed, or ethnicity is next on Obama’s list. That being his primary criteria for appointing SCOTUS justices, it’ll allow us to craft a short-list of possible replacements.

    Comment by jonolan | March 16, 2010 | Reply

  2. I think his last pick was fine….

    How about an Asia-American?

    Comment by jamesb101 | March 16, 2010 | Reply

  3. There’s a lot wrong with Sotomayor, but nothing worse than many other appointees of the years. My issue was always that Obama made his choice based upon her race and gender, not her qualifications – or at least that’s how his constant focusing on her race and gender made it sound.

    I assume that criteria wouldn’t have changed.

    I don’t, however, see Obama appointing an Asian. He’s largely ignored the Asian population and has been largely unsupported by them.

    I’d guess a Muslim of sort, probably Pakistani or Indian.

    Comment by jonolan | March 16, 2010 | Reply

    • Woa!…..

      That was vast generalization on Asian’s and Obama!

      Soto was a good get, Hispanic, Female and Yankee fan….WTF????

      What’s this Muslim stuff?

      Comment by jamesb101 | March 16, 2010 | Reply

  4. Jonolan, I see Obama picking Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm (D) as a likely SC nominee or Napolitano since her gig at Homeland Security is a disaster.

    Comment by Conservative Democrat | March 16, 2010 | Reply

  5. Speaking of Asians

    WTF the fuck is up with the Census 2010 and now labeling Koreans a DIFFERENT race from Chinese

    Doesnt the Census know the difference between ethnicity and race???


    Comment by Timothy Peter Leal | March 16, 2010 | Reply

    • Nope….

      You know…… Congress signs off on the final form……

      Comment by jamesb101 | March 16, 2010 | Reply

  6. For African Americans it lists three words

    African American, Black, and Negro

    The first choice only uses one word WHITE

    I did not ORIGNIATE in Spain, Latin America, or South America

    even though I am 50% Hispanic

    which means I have to go with OTHER and then write-in Caucasian

    Comment by Timothy Peter Leal | March 16, 2010 | Reply

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