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New York State Governor Paterson caution’s Cuomo…’You will fail’……..


[ Gov. David Paterson contends that without the power to declare a fiscal emergency or unilaterally freeze wages, New York governors are at the mercy of the Legislature. ]

In an sit down with the Wall Street Journal….The embattled and now casted aside New York State Governor laments his relationship with the state’s legislautre….and it’s unwillingness to tackle spending problems……and also the way the state government works…….

Paterson from the jump has been over his head and out of his league….

Eliot Spitzer’s Lt. Governor…he was a responsible for virtually nothing until Spitzer left and he assented to the Governorship…..

He went on to get in trouble with his personal past, a botched senate appointment and more problems with action’s he took for a close aide….

His rein as governor has been one miscue after another….

He now will not run for election to his job….

Leaving Andrew Cuomo as his likely successor….

Having Cuomo in this position so early…… has robbed him of any political power he might have still had…..

Mr. Paterson, whose administration has tried fruitlessly to pass a budget, accused lawmakers of using him as an excuse. “They have perpetuated this rumor that I’m waiting all year and don’t care,” he said. “Every week, I try to get them together and nobody wants to come. Then they turn around and actually try to pretend that it’s me who doesn’t want to have these meetings. It’s completely political.”

Democrats in Albany said they sympathized with Mr. Paterson—but only to an extent. “Right up until the last day that George Pataki was in office, he was the governor. No one doubted that. And with Gov. Paterson, it’s almost as if he’s already gone,” said Sen. Diane Savino, a Democrat from Staten Island.

“The executive in New York has a tremendous amount of power, but it requires political will and the desire to use it,” she said.

Mr. Paterson’s remarks come at a pivotal moment for New York. The gubernatorial race is about to begin in earnest as Mr. Cuomo, the Democratic attorney general, readies to announce his candidacy and square off against a fractious but emboldened Republican Party determined to end Democratic control of Albany.

And the state is bracing for what could be the roughest patch of the fiscal crisis.

It’s also a tense moment for Mr. Paterson, 55, who is expected to testify soon before an independent counsel probing allegations that he lied under oath about soliciting tickets to the 2009 World Series and interfered with a witness in a domestic-abuse case involving a staffer.


Note …….the author of the piece mentions a ferocious GOP challenge to Cuomo…..it he kidding?

The New York State GOP is fighting among themselves….they have Rick Lazio as their leading candidate…with a just newly switched over  (from the Democratic Party ) Steve Levy trying to get a toe hold into things….he can’t get more than 25% of his parties vote right now…..

At this time….. Cuomo is a lock..

April 27, 2010 - Posted by | Blogs, Breaking News, Counterpoints, Government, Law, Media, Men, Other Things, PoliticalDog Calls, Politics, Projections, Taxes, The Economy, Updates | ,


  1. James B, NY State Lieutenant Governors have NO power and don’t hold any membership to state boards or commissions, they don’t even control the State Senate as you see other independently elected LG (who are elected SEPARATELY from the governor) do.


    Comment by Conservative Democrat | April 27, 2010 | Reply

    • That is absolutely BULLSHIT CD……

      You don’t know what you’re talking about….

      The Governor of New York State……names people to ALL of the state boards…..He names the head of the state police…and working with the legislator’s he CAN control spending….

      As in almost forms of local, state and federal government in this country…governors are executives ..They spend the money and run the state agencies….whose heads serve at his or her pleasure….

      David Paterson while a nice guy…..Is a failure at being Governor…..

      After getting beat up for stupid mistakes……

      I have no sympathy for him…..

      Andrew Cuomo is going to be the next NYS governor unless something crazy happens…..

      Paterson can be bitter or accept it…..

      I he can’t get a deal on the budget…then he should just say so…and do the best he can…..

      Of course it doesn’t help that Cuomo has a special prosecutor examining his actions in the aide domestic caper……

      Comment by jamesb101 | April 27, 2010 | Reply

      • Stick to Texas…..

        Comment by jamesb101 | April 27, 2010

      • Tell me to stick to Texas, well you can stop FUCKING getting bitter about my state because we are bringing jobs down here and more people are moving into the place.

        Comment by Conservative Democrat | April 27, 2010

      • Could be…..more democrats….Perry could be in trouble

        Comment by jamesb101 | April 27, 2010

      • Bitter?……Who’s cusing like a sailor?

        Comment by jamesb101 | April 27, 2010

  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by James Finley. James Finley said: New York State Governor Paterson caution's Cuomo…'You will fail'……..: http://wp.me/pAL4p-2yV […]

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  3. Hey you James B.

    I was talking about LIEUTENANT GOVERNORS in NY State and for example, Illinois holding zero influence or power.

    Paterson didn’t do shit as LG and by the way, stick to .

    Comment by Conservative Democrat | April 27, 2010 | Reply

    • And you are right Paterson didn’t do anything as LT. Gov.

      Comment by jamesb101 | April 27, 2010 | Reply

  4. CD…you need to get a handle……

    Comment by jamesb101 | April 27, 2010 | Reply

  5. […] N&#1077w York State Governor Paterson caution’s Cuomo…’Y&#959&#965 w&#1110&#406&#4… […]

    Pingback by N.Y. Governor Asks Lawmakers for ‘Up-or-Down’ Budget Vote | Currency Trading Exchange Guide | April 28, 2010 | Reply

  6. A weak little man sitting there like a victim on that big couch – pitiful and embarrassing. Even Paterson’s good ideas have no credibility because he has no respect. Respect is earned no matter what the arena. I guess all of those years of sitting on the sidelines in the State Senate as a party boy Senator, hitting the cheapie motels with his broads sure haven’t helped. It’s amazing the lengths people will go to in order to poison the electorate’s thinking so that after the fact the voters will say, it really wasn’t Paterson’s fault. So is he really thinking about the people of this state or himself? Classic image control for after the election. Anyone with a brain knows Paterson didn’t create the mess in Albany on his own, but he sure was part of the process. He was preordained to fail from his own actions and past history. He was a do nothing politician that sucked all the perks of the job up like a drug addict. That’s what did him in – you can go from being the life of the party to telling the boys the party’s over.

    Cuomo has game. Paterson should do his job while he has it and keep his whiny comments to himself.

    Comment by amy | April 28, 2010 | Reply

    • He, he, he…..

      Good one!

      Welcome to the Dog…..don’t be a stranger

      Comment by jamesb101 | April 28, 2010 | Reply

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